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Mindset Innovation: The story of Tata Nano, the cheapest car ($2500) in the world (rediff.com)
20 points by ideas101 on May 14, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

here's a pic and a video: http://www.techeblog.com/index.php/tech-gadget/pictures-2500...

Not bad - nice industrial design

The real question is, has it really made life easier for a family of four on the streets? The one thing that the article doesn't mention is the fact that it most likely does not meet european (not indian) emission standards.

Not that they shouldn't be applauded for what they've achieved - but imagine a country of over a billion people with easy access to a car that adds to the already over-crowded roads and burns a bigger hole in the ozone layer. Not that great anymore.

1. "has it really made life easier for a family of four on the streets?". It absolutely will, how can you have any doubt on that. Ask any family of 4 if they are better of riding a car than scrambling onto a scooter.

2. "According to Tata, the Nano complies with Bharat Stage-III and Euro-IV emission standards" (From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tata_Nano)

3. "The Nano will also replace many overloaded and worn-out two-stroke polluting vehicles, both two and three-wheeled." - again from the wikipedia.

However if the ozone is what you really care about, how about starting by dumping the SUV's for smaller cars in developed nations.

Didn't know about #2 above - I completely agree, about dumping SUVs for mass transit, though.

What about Euro-NCAP crash safety? The Nano looks to use the driver's knees as the front crumple zone...

Personally, I do the environment a favor by buying used cars and maintaining them until they die.

It's interesting to note that Tata now owns Jaguar and Land Rover :)

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