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Open Source Radio Telescope [pdf] (gnuradio.org)
131 points by wglb on Jan 21, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

It mentions FRBs which are the new hot thing in radio astronomy. Can those be measured with hobbyist methods? How?

I think these are more dreams of future achievements than anything else; they also list phased arrays and interferometers but there is nothing like it on the webpage of the project.

The Open Source Radio Telescope project hasn't setup any phased array setups yet, but the Canadian Centre for Experimental Radio Astronomy uses GNU Radio for it's phased array receivers looking at pulsars. http://www.ccera.ca

New Mexico Tech set up a two-element array with a couple of rebuilt K-band satellite-television dishes.

I don't know what they used for the correlator.

The Array Operations Center for the EVLA (Very Large Array) and the VLBA (Very Long-Baseline Array) are on the New Mexico Tech campus; we had a lot of radio-interferometer people in town.

This is truly impressive. Is anybody aware of additional practical uses of GNU radio?

Hi, I'm one of the GNU Radio project officers (general busybody).

GNU Radio is used extensively in industry and academia. Hawkeye 360 and Spire use GNU Radio for satellite ground stations. Lockheed Martin, SpaceX, and a variety of other aerospace/defense use it as well for other wireless comms applications. DeepSig uses GNU Radio at least to generate test signals for their neural net based signal classification system and communication systems, possibly also internally. Analog Devices uses GNU Radio in their Scopy oscilloscope/spectrum analyzer/signal and logic analyzer application.

As said by the other commenter, check out the videos on our YouTube channel. The project is very fortunate to attract many interesting talks and speakers each year at the conference.

https://www.youtube.com/GNURadioProject https://www.gnuradio.org

Have a look at some of the other presentations from that conference for a start: https://www.gnuradio.org/grcon/grcon18/presentations/

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