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  #!/usr/bin/env ruby

  puts((1..100).map do |n|
    "#{:Fizz if (n % 3).zero?}"\
    "#{:Buzz if (n % 5).zero?}"
      .find { |s| !s.empty? } || n

I'm curious: do you genuinely find that beautiful?To me all the enumerable/map/frozen string literal stuff seems pointlessly overcomplicated compared to the simplicity of just writing down what you're supposed to do:

  (1..100).each do |n|
    a = String.new
    a << "Fizz" if n%3 == 0
    a << "Buzz" if n%5 == 0
    a << n.to_s if a.empty?
    puts a
(Disclaimer: not my code, on mobile so I stole that off GitHub)

Not really; I was basing it off of https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18873581#18875961 as a semi-joke.

I changed it to a relatively KISS and IMO genuinely beautiful version in the parent, for others' benefits here's the version you were referring to in the above comment:

  #!/usr/bin/env ruby
  # frozen_string_literal: true

  module FizzBuzz
    Integer.include self

    def self.array(enumerable = 1..100)

    def to_fizzbuzz
      "#{:Fizz if (self % 3).zero?}"\
      "#{:Buzz if (self % 5).zero?}"
        .find { |s| !s.empty? } || to_s

  puts FizzBuzz.array

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