So I decided I should do this some time, just to change the scenes and boost productivity, so this December I'm probably moving to Thailand for 2-6 months where I'm going to code the hell out of my current projects. However I'm not really sure where do I ask a couple of things I'm concerned about. I was hoping some HN people lived/are living there and could give me a valuable advice.
I'm mostly concerned about renting an apartment:
1. Is it a good idea to look up an apartment on the internet (if so, what's the best website?)
2. What are the usual agencies fees and other conditions there? How much do you actually pay if you get an apartment for $x? Is it $2x? $3x?
3. What can go wrong in the process of renting an apartment?
4. I heard that most apartments are rented for 6 months or more. Does that mean I lose some money if I move out earlier?
Also, if anyone was thinking about doing the same, you are welcome to join me. Not suggesting living together, but meeting up and making friends could be exciting. And I would also be glad to meet people who already live there.
Thanks, HN.
I do however have some advice regarding your time there. Be very aware that no matter where you go, you will be perceived as well off. You will (seriously) be batting women away left right and centre. Very pretty women who see you as their ticket out of there.
If you do gain a girlfriend, don't be surprised that your money will go nowhere as far as you had hoped. Scooters, money for family, eating out more - all will make their way into your life very quickly.
It's easy to say it will never happen to you - you don't have to go looking for a partner out there. They will find you and persue you. For Western men, this can be a huge change from the generally more entitled women of the West. Please excuse my asumptions that you are interested in females - I don't know if the same is true for Thai men.