If all those families moved to Germany because there was no future in Turkey, it's highly unlikely that learning Turkish will do any good for them. I think the objective of a public education has to be to improve the lives of people, if they want to learn Turkish or Klingon they should pay for it themselves.
Also I can imagine that adding a new language choice is very expensive.
> If all those families moved to Germany because there was no future in Turkey, it's highly unlikely that learning Turkish will do any good for them
The classes are for people who only speak German. People emigrating from Turkey likely speak Turkish.
It's about understanding other cultures, and the ones most relevent. Just like how in England, along with learning about christianity, we learnt about Islam.
It's like in the US, Spanish is the most popular second language taught in schools, since you're very close to large numbers of spanish speakers, and have a high number of spanish-speaking migrants. In the UK, amongst a load of other reasons, until very recently French was the most poopular second language in schools, since France is pretty close to us.
Not even speaking about the percentage of people from foreign countries speaking or understanding Turkish as a second language.
Beside English and German, Turkish is the most understood and spoken language in germany.
Why not teach it in schools? you can pick languages, Latin, France, so why not Turkish? (beside English)