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The problem I have with most, if not all, of these answers is that they seem to be good choices for orgs that have a dedicated development team. If its a small org, or a company that basically just has a brochure site, all of these answers are huge overkill. You want a "simple" site made from node/react? You've already raised your technical requirements higher then they might need to be. If your site has a rotating team of developers, I'd say start with the LAMP stack and go from there. It's easier, more affordable, and less time consuming to find developers with decent HTML5/CSS3/JS then it is to find dev's competent in the latest thing your senior dev is enthralled by. I turned down a job offer managing a Rails site because frankly I'm tired of trying to find Rails devs. Tooling choices by developers have serious staffing issues that many orgs still have to deal with after the original devs left, which sucks for the org as they never really understood what they were signing up for when the senior dev promised them that insert framework here was the solution to all their problems, when in reality the dev simply wanted to keep their skill set "up to date."

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