I think it's a cultural difference within the Windows development community. I've made maybe two bug reports to Microsoft related to .NET or SQLServer in the past 8 years. Everything else was either already reported and being fixed in the next 2-3 years or was reported and written off as "you are on your own - we're not fixing it". I've had similar experiences with big proprietary Windows frameworks like DevExpress. Unfortunately at this point I don't think it's changing because it's what everyone expects.
After finding the nth response like this it becomes apparent that it's easier to just find a work around and complain rather than continue to bash your head into the wall.
Hopefully Windows users will learn to contribute and report bugs in community driven development someday...
Because have you ever tried to file a bug report with MS?
That's not really fair, there are some great teams in MS. My impression is that the difficulty of communicating with anyone useful correlates pretty well with how enterprisey the product is.