Dust3D use right-handed coordinate space, X - front view, Z - side view, Y - up.
I am not quite sure what exactly coordinate space other software use, but I make sure the exported fbx looks as the same in Unity, and the exported glb looks as the same in Godot.
This is correct. Most CG and 3d software (Max, Maya, Blender, CAD) uses a right handed coordinate system, which matches the convention in physics, however they vary in their choice of Y up or Z up. Video games almost always use a left-handed coordinate system with Y up. This is because DirectX and OpenGL chose to represent pixels on-screen with (X,Y) coordinates with the Z coordinate increasing as rays extend from the eye outward.
To add to the confusion, while in both OpenGL and DirectX treat Z axis as depth, DirectX uses a left-handed coordinate system, while OpenGL uses mostly[0] right-handed one.
OpenGL-the-interface is kinda neither (screenspace aside), since the application supplies/does all transformations (glFrustum and friends are long deprecated).
I think that XKCD only really applies in systems where there is an infinite number of possible ways to do something. While there are a lot of ways you can configure a coordinate system the number of reasonable / non-intentionally obtuse ways is finite.
Blender has no end of hidden trouble importing to Unity because Unity chose to be the same as Maya
[1] https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/471/is-it-possib...