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streety, my point was to point out the irony of the situation to his roommate, i am sure they will work it out.

This film class seems like a great class, both of them are learning something. I also think that the roommates father is trying to teach him something, and its up to our young entrepreneurial hacker friend here to offer some learning back.

My parents have gotten involved in a similar way to our YC friend's roommate, and the only thing it did was make things more complicated. Yes I learned about contracts at an earlier age, but what my folks should have been teaching me was that I WILL HAVE THOUSANDS of great ideas, its not the idea that is important, its the ability to follow through on it. I fear that this 17-page contract has already jeopardized that.

I don't think any of the parties involved here should be trying to put all of their eggs in one basket. Their goal should be about fostering the relationship, if this project turns out better than a failure, then the next one has an even better chance of succeeding. I think the goal here is to try to learn as much as you can about building business relationships, and not about the project. I still do business today on handshakes, and sometimes, i move to a contract, but it all depends on the intended length of the relationship.

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