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Awesome! Here are some practical problems that used to give me headache, can you give us some best practices on how deal with these situations?

- untyped languages that run through A LOT of layers of wrappers/indirections to get things done; How do you keep track? (with typed languages it is easier to figure where the next step is going to; though code in java likes to do this trick - it then obscures the details by using some container mechanism, like spring, etc) Do you manage to reduce said numbers of indirection without breaking things?

- microservices like to do that a lot (going through n levels of services just to get to the target server - with different languages and RPC protocols involved). I had once spent a week to add a frigging attribute. Any tips here?

- gui code often turns into a mess (like when it takes it short of a week to add a frigging detail); how do you deal with that?

- how do you deal with the problem of missing context? (when trying to read through the source and there is nobody there to explain any rational of what is going on?) (for me knowledge of other systems often helps to bridge the gap, are there any more empirical approaches?)

For me these things are hard, though i manage (sort of). How do you do?

In order—and mind I'm not like amazing at this so take none of this as best practice:

- Stepping through with a debugger. Static analysis call graphs in stricter languages[0]. Runtime call traces and visualization in dynamic languages. Often you can find some tool for it[0]. If it's that bad you're probably not gonna be able keep your head wrapped around it long term, so you'll be falling back on those tools often until/unless you refactor.

- Similar. Find a way to trace requests (you are really, really gonna want such a tool when things go wrong anyway if you're microservice-heavy) and record what happens, if it's so confusing you can't figure it out otherwise.

- Not much to do but isolate and replace piece by piece or screen by screen as the opportunity presents itself. Hardest part of this is that your new stuff may well look and work better than the old, which can lead to UI inconsistency, so it ends up being an exercise in inconsistency tolerance or management.

- Just gotta leverage tools to tell you more about the codebase than you might get from just looking at it (as in point 1) and do a lot of probably-boring and hard-to-measure difficult work. If it's still under development that means someone ought to be able to tell you what each largish part (feature, screen, section) should do, at least from the perspective of the end user, which may be useful. If no one can tell you that then why are you maintaining it, right?

Jumping off that fourth point: a great preventative measure for ending up in this position (or putting someone else there) is to make sure your code is written such that tools can more easily tell the reader facts about the project. Typescript over raw JS, that kind of thing. Static types are communication. They're communication that can be verified by a machine to be correct, more or less. They're great. Tests fail or pass. They tell you what the test writer expected to happen, and whether that's happening. They are communication. If all your comments get stripped and no-one updates the docs for two years and you get hit by a bus your types and tests still communicate. Even outdated test suites aren't totally useless. And static types pretty much can't go stale like docs or tests can.

[0] https://github.com/TrueFurby/go-callvis

[1] https://github.com/jamesmoriarty/call-graph (no endorsement, haven't used it, just an example.

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