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Rafactor, test, repeat.

I contracted for a company that had no software team, and had outsourced the development of their embedded product to the lowest bidder. The original firm had delivered code that met most requirements, but were not willing/able to resolve issues with random crashes or implement additional features. The product manager reached out to my employer at the time for help.

When I took over the code base, my initial attempts to modify the function of the code rendered the device completely non functional, so I focused on restructuring the code without changing its behavior. I moved code into functions, functions into libraries. I added parameters to existing functions so that global variables would have to be injected, rather than accessed directly (this helped make it clear what the inputs and outputs to the function were.)

Eventually, I modeled state external to the system with state machines so that it would be clear when code was trying to manipulate a resource that hadn't been initialized yet. (This helped make some bugs stand out like a sore thumb.)

Through incremental changes and testing at every step, this refactoring made the structure and flow of the program much easier to understand. After only 2 weeks of refactoring, I was able to identify and fix the bugs that had been causing the random crashes. I was also able to add new functionality to the well structured program in a fraction of the time it had taken to do the initial refactoring.

The best part about restructuring/refactoring code is that even after totally reorganizing the entire codebase, I still only had a high-level understanding of how it all worked; I didn't have to personally grok every requirement or fine detail as I would have needed to do if I'd rewritten the code from the ground up. Refactoring was slow going at first, but it really saved the day.

Well, if the code base is awful, it won’t have test to begin with... what do you test when you only have the bad code, no doc, no specs...

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