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Maybe a little more clarification? When you say that nobody on the team can understand it, are you primarily talking about code complexity, code style, or language?

Many years ago, I became the designated maintainer for a legacy inventory system that was used for internal audit purposes. The system ran on a PDP-11/70, and was written in a combination of Basic-Plus (this was a long time ago) and COBOL. I only had a passing familiarity with either of those languages. I find the challenges of learning a code base usually boil down to a few recurring problem areas:

* Problem domain knowledge: The system was used to track leased telecommunication facilities, and had a lot of obscure business logic built into it. At least half the challenge was reverse engineering business logic from the code.

* Coding style: I always find it challenging to get comfortable with another developer's style. Mismatches in assumptions/preferred approaches can make it really hard to get comfortable with someone else's code. This particular system had some truly weird programming choices, including a "screen driver" (similar to curses) written in COBOL.

* Code complexity: I was pretty lucky that the code was not very complicated. With all the other challenges, if the code had been complex it would have probably been an impossible challenge.

* Language knowledge: the original developers had used some features of Basic-Plus and COBOL that were a little obscure, which made understanding the code base that much harder.

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