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Japan doesn't renovate. It's probably the only country in the world where "used homes" are considered something to be ashamed of.

I had heard that older Japanese were very 'allergic' to anything used or old, as it reminded them of the time during the war and post-war when everyone had to scrounge for everything. There was this thing in the 90's called '{some derogatory term}-shopping' where you'd dumpster dive in well off neighborhoods, and if you found a bit of 2 year old consumer electronics, you could assume it still worked.

> I had heard that older Japanese were very 'allergic' to anything used or old

That seems to be an exception pertaining to houses and especially single-family units. Objects/items seem to be restored as much as elsewhere if not more (see e.g. kintsugi).

Although transience/impermanence is also part of japanese tradition / aesthetics.

That seems to be an exception pertaining to houses and especially single-family units.

My mother is Korean, but FWIW she seems to have a similar stigma around 2nd hand clothing. With regards to dumpster diving for consumer electronics, I had only heard that theory 2nd hand, and I guess that especially applied to consumer electronics.

Not exactly dumpster diving. The Japanese simply left their not-so old stereos and appliances on the street, where people like me were only to happy to give them a second life.

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