>the rate at which bitflips are caused by gamma rays is absolutely dwarfed by the rate at which bitflips are caused by manufacturing defects.
back in USSR/Russia gamma rays and aliens were not-an-issue compare to the extremely low reliability of USSR/Russia hardware. The military hardware back then (and some telco hardware built in Russia in 199x (some even for export into Western countries!)) was built as triplicate systems - i.e. primitive quorum/consensus computing.
Similarly, as far as i heard back then, due to low reliability of Itanium especially in the beginning, the Itanium based Tandems were also available as "Tridems".
back in USSR/Russia gamma rays and aliens were not-an-issue compare to the extremely low reliability of USSR/Russia hardware. The military hardware back then (and some telco hardware built in Russia in 199x (some even for export into Western countries!)) was built as triplicate systems - i.e. primitive quorum/consensus computing.
Similarly, as far as i heard back then, due to low reliability of Itanium especially in the beginning, the Itanium based Tandems were also available as "Tridems".