>To get the latest headlines I suggest using a RSS reader (e.g. 'News' on Nextcloud/Owncloud) and subscribing to those feeds which you deem interesting. This gives you headlines, sometimes with a snippet of content, often without but subscribe to a few different publications and you'll have the same news described using different headlines which often give enough insight into whether the item is worth your time.
it also locks you into a bubble of your own creation with very little provocative or interesting content
It would only do that if you limit your feed selection to your 'bubble', something you should not do. Add feeds which oppose your view to get a more balanced diet. This greatly expands the 'bubble' to the point of it no longer being discernible. Of course you can only read a limited number of articles in a given time frame but you'll have a much larger body of articles to choose from than those who rely on a single source.
To the parent poster, what is your solution to escaping the 'bubble'? I do hope you're not relying on any profiling search engines (Google, Bing, etc) or ditto news aggregator (or, ${deity} forbid, Facebook) for that purpose as these actually reinforce the bubble perspective by expressly showing you material deemed to coincide with your viewpoints.
it also locks you into a bubble of your own creation with very little provocative or interesting content