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Ruby on Rails Startup Heroku Gets $3 Million (techcrunch.com)
54 points by sant0sk1 on May 8, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 31 comments

fantastic, congratulation guys!!

Designing, running and monitoring high performance and highly scalable websites is still part art and part science. Abstracting that part away for developers is a very lucrative market to be in.

I would love to see some of this cash go towards supporting simple db or couch as an alternative to Postgres for some app types.

I love Heroku. Some of their opensource bits are nice too. I'm enjoying building my app in the cloud.

Great job and congrats. I have an invite from Heroku, and the little I have used of it has been an amazing experience.

Abstracting away deploying, scaling and monitoring from the developers and allowing them to think about the problem they are working with is truly a boon.

And clients dont have to worry about managing hardware or dealing with redundancy. Love it. Now only if I could find a client who's willing to work with me on Heroku.

Congrats again, guys! You really deserve it.

I have been getting the impression rails is on it's way out. It'd be neat to see this abstracted to apply to django too.

Rails, Django, CakePHP, Merb... they're all the same. Rails just "inspired" a new generation of web application frameworks.

It wouldn't surprise me if most of Heroku's technology translated to other stacks easily.

I don't think Django was inspired by Rails, but I could be wrong. CakePHP definitely was. In fact, I learned CakePHP by watching Ruby on Rails screencasts because I couldn't get RoR installed on a VPS way back when, while CakePHP installed effortlessly, yet didn't have many good tutorials.

Rails was released a year before Django, I think they win the prize as the most influential modern web framework.

Which means what? I'm pretty sure they didn't know or care about one another when they were used privately. I'm not arguing which one was more influential.

It's funny how obsessed some people become with languages and frameworks, and how people using 'in vogue' ones are applauded, whilst those using perfectly capable but 'out of vogue' ones are looked down upon.

I agree though, I think the "This is the best thing since sliced bread" phase is over for rails.

What gives you hat impression?


I'm of the opinion that TechCrunch knows a thing or two about technology. But writing sensationalist headlines and then attracting all the loons to come out and post comments about Rails suck and so on...

My point is this: some people look to TC as an authority now and when the articles and comments reflect one perspective on something it's going to sway some people.

I don't have specific links. It's more of a vibe over the past few months of reading reddit and this site. Ruby, in general, seems to be getting put aside. BUT, what would i know?!

I think it's just the honeymoon is over and people are looking at it a bit more objectively then a year ago when all the Web 2.0 fashionistas were gobsmacked over it.

Don't get me wrong, I like Rails and it's a great framework as long as you keep in mind its warts, but there was a period of about 8 months where Rails was the Second Coming of Christ in web app framework form...

Gratz guys. Been using them for a while. Forget the browser based editor, you can deploy to them with git. Scaling without thinking (they're backed by EC2 & S3) is great, and they launched before appengine.

Heroku is awesome. PG says "make something people want", and Heroku definitely embodies that for me. Congrats to them!!

Now I want Heroku for PHP ^_^ Coincidence, I also posted something about heroku here http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=184317

I was about to refer you to AppJet, but apparently they're switching back from PHP to Javascript.

I think someone just went through and docked everyone's karma, just for saying they like Heroku. Umm.. WTF?

Why we still don't have that kind of site for Django? just a thought...

Google App Engine.

Congrats Adam and Heroku! Now move back to Burbank. ;)

cool service.. will be interested to see what they have in store

it currently seems like the ideal type of service to go dhh style profitable with no funding

Wow - fantastic. Good work guys!

Heroku guys: any chance you'd extend some invitations to your YC friends? :-D

I have an invite. Tweet me.

It just could not get any more web2.0 than that comment ;)

Let me try again:

I have a free invite. Tweet me.

I'd like an invite too =)

I can't wait to hear DHH chide these guys about trying to be a startup instead of a small business.

[bracing for the karma hit]

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