> But realistically, how often do you have to program high-performance computations? I suppose, unless you work in a narrow field of research and engineering that requires exactly that, not very often. And if you do, you have to use specialized hardware and compilers anyway. I’ll just presume, a typical 21st-century programmer don't have to solve differential equations very often.
Does the author know about all the efforts in this area, things such as Machine Learning and statistics? This type of argumentation is so... 20th century? :)
Ah, but we do use specialized hardware and compilers! (nevermind that they're sold by nvidia, nobody else is buying quadros by the truckload) And moreover, you don't do the differential equation in the code, you do the partial specialization by hand and throw that into your pytorch kernel.
The fact that we are using python, instead of fortran or matlab, really does show exactly how little hard math is being done by the computer, even in these fields.
Does the author know about all the efforts in this area, things such as Machine Learning and statistics? This type of argumentation is so... 20th century? :)