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> I think it's funny that you mention $50/hr for delivering papers as if we should be aghast at the mere thought.

$50/hr for delivering papers would most likely cause the prompt and total collapse of the local economy. If you think otherwise, why stop at merely $50/hour? I'm only aghast that the proposed cure is actually much worse than the disease!

> But as a society, at some point it would be prudent to look around and see whether the way people are living is sustainable, or if, say, the inopportune removal of a welfare or familial wealth Jenga brick would cause the entire tower to collapse into, like, tent cities or whatever.

I agree wholeheartedly, but I'd guess we probably disagree on the remedy. I'd defer to the market which would of course require a free market to exist in the first place for things like housing.

>$50/hr for delivering papers would most likely cause the prompt and total collapse of the local economy.

I imagine it would merely cause the prompt and total collapse of the paperboy position, until efficiencies were created to support it (e.x., there's only one paperboy for n square miles, they oversee a swarm of paper-delivering drones, and the number of papers they deliver justifies a $50/hr salary); people simply decided that physical paper delivery wasn't worth the cost; or they decided that it was worth it, and had their pay and expenses adjusted commensurately.

>I'm only aghast that the proposed cure is actually much worse than the disease!

I'm not sure you've proven that.

>I agree wholeheartedly, but I'd guess we probably disagree on the remedy. I'd defer to the market which would of course require a free market to exist in the first place for things like housing.

The laissez-faire approach to market management is what "innovated" tent cities into existence in the first place, man.

So it's okay for banks and large corporations to collapse the national economy, but not for paperboys to collapse the local economy?

Can you expand further on the logical basis for that belief?

What's the "logical basis" for concluding that they think it's good for anyone to collapse economies?

I don't think this weak "gotcha" rhetoric is conducive to good discussion. You're trying to disarm their point by putting words in their mouth. And you're taking it off topic.

For example, since you only mention banks and large corporations, can we assume you're okay with every other possible way economies can be collapsed? No, that would have no "logical basis."

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