What I've done is kinda standardized the solution. I've made all my elements listen for a template tag in the html page that contains <link> tags to the stylesheets I use globally.
<template id="x-global-styles">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="some/sheet.css" />
Kinda like that.
You can use prefetch in the main header to get all your styles in one shot, before page load, if you want.
Then I make my element, if the template is found, pump the innards of the template into itself so all my styles are available.
I use it in conjuction with tailwind so I can write atomic classes and include my atomic css with every element I desire.
From what I can tell, for the most part, my styles don't get reloaded every time. I could be wrong. They seem to get prefetched, if I use a prefetch, or loaded once, then cached. It seems that no matter how many elements I have on the page there are no external calls to get the stylesheet every time. One and done.
Correct me if I'm wrong here. It's just something I fiddled around with.
Very interesting! Thank you. I didn't realize you can use <link> inside web component. But it makes sense!
I read some more, and I reaized that it's probably meant to be that every component has its own small piece of CSS independent of the rest, so that you can use :host, and all the other trickery and so that least amount of CSS per component needs to be parsed and processed.
So I ended up writing a small pre-processor, that converts sass files into a js file with a variables containing styles for each component (like BUTTON_CSS, DIALOG_CSS, SPLIT_LAYOUT_CSS). I just hope that there's some optimization in the browser, such that when the same <style> content is used in multiple instances of the component, it is parsed/processed only once and the results cached for the other instances.
<template id="x-global-styles"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="some/sheet.css" /> </template> Kinda like that.
You can use prefetch in the main header to get all your styles in one shot, before page load, if you want.
Then I make my element, if the template is found, pump the innards of the template into itself so all my styles are available.
I use it in conjuction with tailwind so I can write atomic classes and include my atomic css with every element I desire.
From what I can tell, for the most part, my styles don't get reloaded every time. I could be wrong. They seem to get prefetched, if I use a prefetch, or loaded once, then cached. It seems that no matter how many elements I have on the page there are no external calls to get the stylesheet every time. One and done.
Correct me if I'm wrong here. It's just something I fiddled around with.