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I think it's interesting that in the grand scheme of languages, Python has one of the gentlest learning curves. (I'd say as a general-purpose language rather than a web language, it's even gentler than PHP)

Python is the piano of programming languages. Anyone can sit down and bang out "Three Blind Mice" within a few minutes; but a skilled professional can use the same instrument to perform Rach 3.

I was able to learn Python in 2 weeks (lazily) using just Byte of Python. Of course I can't build something clean and "Pythonic" with that kind of knowledge, but I managed to build a simple CRUD selling books online app using SQLAlchemy, CherryPy, and Genshi in 4 days (I need to build something for a scheduled interview).

I'm not sure if I can do the same with PHP and some of the PHP libraries (like, for an example, using Smarty, PHP, and a whatever-lightweight-ORM in PHP).

> I was able to learn Python in 2 weeks

Not to pick on you in particular, but comments like this are a pet peeve of mine. While Python is easy to learn, and most languages are, but even if I'd built a little application in Python as you had, and knowing what I know already, I still wouldn't say I know Python.

Maybe I'm the exception to the rule, maybe my definition of knowing a language is much more strict then most, but I really don't think you can learn a language, any language, in 2 weeks.

I've done apps in Java, C, C++, Python, Perl, PHP, and even Obj-C now. Real working apps that do things, but I'd feel very uncomfortable claiming to know all those languages.

Oh, I know the syntax. Basic syntax is easy for any language (with my vast knowledge of C-style syntax languages providing a good basis for this assumption =)). But really knowing a language? Being able to create an application from scratch? I mean, really knowing, not just hacking together stuff you find from tutorials on line and running to SO whenever something happens a Google search doesn't solve.

I fully realise that my standards might be a bit to high. I just don't know by how much? Am I really just not giving myself enough credit, or am I reading too much into this?

Edit: fiveo, I'm not focusing this at you, obviously. This is merely a general observation. =)

I agree with you Jason. It doesn't mean I know Python. Perhaps I should use the phrase "basic Python" instead of just Python.

But the point that I'm trying to make is that it's so much easier to learn and build something using Python, even if it's not top notch or following best-practice/patterns or trying to be Pythonic all the way.

Of course this is not sufficient knowledge in the long term.

Yep, that's fine. =) Like I said, I didn't mean to address you specifically. I realise the context of your comment is more than the single phrase I quoted, and context changes things.

Python has nice, clean syntax and pretty elegant semantic, which translates as gentle learning curve. However, if your first language (prior Python) was something less elegant, say PHP, your mind may be too polluted to painlessly adopt all the Python elegance.

PHP is the new Basic?

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