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SportsMe | IOS Engineer, Backend Engineer, Mobile Designer | Boston,MA | Onsite | https://getsportsme.com SportsMe, the fan conversation platform. We are a sports focused media platform that allows fans to be the experts on their favorite teams, players and general knowledge of the game. Our first product has been the SportsMe IOS app(https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1291610886) that allows you to take on your friends, fellow fans, and rivals in 30 second video debates on trending sports topics. We are tired of listening to the same talking heads of sports and their network directed opinions, we are changing the way fans obtain their sports news and opinions with a platform truly driven by the people with the best voice, the fans.

The stack is fully deployed on AWS Lambda, RDS, and using GraphQL. We run the backend on Node.js. We use a combination of Swift, Firebase, and Apollo-GraphQL to power the IOS app.

Current Product: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1291610886

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