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Improve Your Page Performance With Lazy Loading (digital-web.com)
8 points by edw519 on May 7, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

This could be summarized as: "You can use XMLHttpRequests to send more code, and then eval it."

It's a good idea, and can work pretty well in practice. Do things like this really need to be called out and given pattern names etc though? :/ Patterns suck.

I wouldn't agree that patterns suck.

When they restrict the way people think, that's bad. I don't think that good programmers tend to fall into that trap, though. Instead, patterns are simply abstraction, and naming a pattern is simply giving a name to the function or macro or whatever that you're defining.

I guess the difference is that patterns tend to require humans to duplicate the abstraction manually, which does suck. But that's what you get for using a poor programming language. :)

In this case, the 'pattern' could be implemented by a function call, I think. I believe you should use a language where this is always possible. (Does such a language exist?)

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