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There is a cool conspiratorial take on it.

This plastic epidemic is not an accident- it's population control.

Plastic is fundamentally tied to endocrine disrupting chemicals, endocrine disrupting chemicals interfere with testosterone, and reduce fertility. Furthermore, that reduction in fertility is passed down epigenetically, compounding with each generation.

I don't understand why people waste their time imagining chemtrails when the plastic endocrine disruptor theory is so close at hand, and the consequence of it is easily proven. The only part that is a conspiracy is the part you can't prove anyway.


Don't attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity/incompetence/ignorance.

The corollary being that sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from malice.

And the other corollary is that the malicious use the phrase to fool the stupid.

That's fantastic. Do you happen to have an attribution?

It seems to be "Grey's Law", but with hazy attribution. It is a conjunction of Clarke's third law and Hanlon's razor.

I can't find an actual citation (apart from Wikipedia, which cites a book), but it's known as Grey's Law.

It should be called the estebank corollary from now on.

I can't claim it, as it is just a conjunction of Clarke's third law and Hanlon's razor :)

Or more appropriately: Never attribute to some grand conspiracy theory what can be attributed to people just trying to make an extra buck by cutting corners.

I find it more likely that plastic is just a dope material for cheap, durable manufacturing, but I do appreciate having another conspiracy to put in my pocket.

There are definitely health risks. Look at all the bottles that have the "BPA-free" disclaimer on them.

The fact that they’re advertising to consumers that they’re BPA free is itself not enough to conclude that there is definite harm. It may just be that consumers prefer to buy BPA free versions, science be damned. My understanding is that vaccines often don’t contain thiomersal anymore because of unsubstantiated consumer fears, not any demonstrated health risk.

Who would benefit from it? Foreign entities trying to wage a silent chemical war? How would take make sure that their own country is getting hit by microplastics in the international oceans ?

Conspiracy theory sites.

Occam's razor suggests you're completely wrong.

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