Your assessment of the article prompted me to actually read it. Now I can't help but feel that your whole comment is one giant brag!
> Hi less_penguiny - absolutely loved this article.
> Brilliant writing.
Bragging about your good taste.
> I'm also finding myself thinking a lot about social interactions, especially the dumb nonsense vast swathes of our populations carry out, and being currently in the middle of Desmond Morris "Human Zoo" (brilliant, slightly dated, but you'll love it if you're not familiar) your piece really struck a chord - particularly with "Bragging is personally imposing what-you-believe-to-be status-elevating thoughts on your audience". Status, tribes, dominance, all seem explain so much modern phenomena from a species which ought to know better.
Also a brag: "I'm so much more aware than the rest of them average people". Followed by one-upmanship brag: book recommendation.
> In "About" you write "I was heartbroken by the tumbleweed response I got for my last writing project, so I don’t intend to spin my wheels writing in vain again."
> Please don't feel discouraged I get much the same on pretty much every submission I post here, so it's not you, per se! Writing is the easy and fun part, but like a startup I suspect promotion, networking, and all that play a big part. Being an established name makes a huge difference too - it all gets much harder if you don't have a large following.
Ha ha it wasn't intended that way but I can't argue with you right now, I need to clean the mess one of my horses just made beside my new Porsche. Honestly, servants can't get anything right these days...
> Hi less_penguiny - absolutely loved this article. > Brilliant writing.
Bragging about your good taste.
> I'm also finding myself thinking a lot about social interactions, especially the dumb nonsense vast swathes of our populations carry out, and being currently in the middle of Desmond Morris "Human Zoo" (brilliant, slightly dated, but you'll love it if you're not familiar) your piece really struck a chord - particularly with "Bragging is personally imposing what-you-believe-to-be status-elevating thoughts on your audience". Status, tribes, dominance, all seem explain so much modern phenomena from a species which ought to know better.
Also a brag: "I'm so much more aware than the rest of them average people". Followed by one-upmanship brag: book recommendation.
> In "About" you write "I was heartbroken by the tumbleweed response I got for my last writing project, so I don’t intend to spin my wheels writing in vain again."
> Please don't feel discouraged I get much the same on pretty much every submission I post here, so it's not you, per se! Writing is the easy and fun part, but like a startup I suspect promotion, networking, and all that play a big part. Being an established name makes a huge difference too - it all gets much harder if you don't have a large following.
Another "I've been here long enough" brag.