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Resolution is a big deal for sure, but because we're using chromium instead of desktop sharing we are able to set the resolution to ensure fair visibility for most content sources. Generally, we see people trying out Dream and bringing up CNN or NYT and having little issue with reading articles. Sure, if the resolution of the HMD was better we could do a lot more - but we set the parameters to optimize for content viewing, and also added FXAA to help without hurting low-spec machines in terms of performance.

Dream is currently only available for Oculus Rift - and the video was actually shot with an in-engine camera that we developed, and captured on a mirror pipeline at 4K - so I think the blurriness in the video may be an artifact of streaming potentially? Here's a link to the vimeo, which might let you watch it at the set 1080p resolution we scaled it down to: https://vimeo.com/291432708/4c32095226

We're excited to get Dream onto other HMDs, especially the mobile standalone ones coming soon - really great that the Quest is going up to 1600x1440 as it will make use cases like ours work even better!

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