The failure of the semantic Web is that it's repetitively being built by and for technologists rather than to meet a real need of real end users.
The Semantic Web hasn't "failed" and it's not something that end users need to see, know about, or care about directly. It's those technologists that use Semantic Web tech and data to build applications for the end users.
Freebase as a prominent example, was pointless for an average person.
Likewise Github is pointless to an average person. Because the average person isn't who it's meant for.
The Semantic Web hasn't "failed" and it's not something that end users need to see, know about, or care about directly. It's those technologists that use Semantic Web tech and data to build applications for the end users.
Freebase as a prominent example, was pointless for an average person.
Likewise Github is pointless to an average person. Because the average person isn't who it's meant for.