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Why are people so loyal to one browser? Where is it written that one has to be married to a specific browser and shun all others? A common thread I hear is that certain browsers are slow and don't feel fast (which is something you can partially fix by adding additional RAM to your machine and running the browser on an SSD). OP shuns Chrome but forgets there is more competition than previous years where the main three contenders were IE, Firefox and Chrome. Now we have Brave, Vivaldi, Qups, Iridium browser, Ungoogled-chromium[1], Tor Browser Bundle, Waterfox, Palemoon, Comodo Dragon, and a few other flavors of Chrome exist out there but are very buggy and unsecure and not updated often. Personally I run several browsers and isolate my sessions with them - so one for Facebook, one for Twitter, another for shopping, etc (Just to make sure there is no cross-talk between the various services I use).

[1] https://github.com/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium

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