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It's funny. So many people come to HN to get their daily dose of commoditized inspiration. And yet, when it's their turn to help someone out and give real inspiration, they do things like this.

I don't think HN is getting worse, really, but I do think it's getting faster. Sometimes posts get lost in the flood of new stuff. Or sometimes posts just get stuck with a bad crowd who happened to click.

And it is a bad crowd, too-- it's one thing to give bad feedback; it's another to actively go on a site to misuse it only to insult the creator. Who does that?

That said, most of the time you still get the usual HN crowd, the good crowd, when you post things like this. And maybe those things boil down to "Your site sucks," but it's delivered in a helpful, constructive fashion.

Change what you can change, and stop worrying about what other people do. Trolls will always exist. Maybe we all need some small change in the algorithm to make things slow down...

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