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Giving Back to jQuery (sproutcore.com)
52 points by mickeyben on Oct 15, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I always wanted to try SproutCore but never had a full JS application to code to try it.

With the integration Yehuda announces with JQuery and the creation of JQuery plugins extracted from SproutCore I'll give a go on some components.

I'm wondering if Yehuda was the origin of this decision as an (ex ?) core developer of JQuery.

Anyway, all of this is very exciting !

Was wondering what would happen to Yehuda's Jquery involvement when joining the SproutCore team, see: http://yehudakatz.com/2010/09/14/heres-to-the-next-3-years/

I guess this is the answer! :-)

> Charles said “SproutCore is now and will always be totally free and open source. I think this business of charging for a commercial license is not an effective way to grow a project. Sure you make a little cash, but at what expense to the community? My goal is to make SproutCore and all of the developer tools that surround it totally free to everyone.

Sounds great, but I wonder how do the SproutCore guys plan to make money though. Anyone knows?

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