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I suspect that this sort of device could be removed by the power company should they discover it.The homeowner/tenant does not, in most cases, own the meter and some power companies could consider this a modification of the meter and have it removed. Heck, they might even bill you for the removal.

I'm speculating, of course, but it seems like a real risk to me.

Either that, or the power company might start an investigation with law enforcement to determine if you have fitted the power meter with a device that misrepresents your electricity use.

I can only imagine the look on my meter reader's face if he saw a device like that attached to the meter.

One would hope that Wattvision launched(s) an education campaign aimed at the power companies to let them know of this device.

I think this is incorrect speculation. Black&Decker, for example, sells a similar looking device. I've had one on my meter for months and no one's said anything.

Straight from B&D's site:

The reference to specific manufacturers is for informational purposes only and does not represent that the Power Monitor has been approved or endorsed by the manufacturer or your local power company.


I will give you this one though. My local power company indicates that the meter is property of the customer. Perhaps this is more common that I initially thought:


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