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I do something similar for http://pavpanchekha.com/ (I describe the approach here: http://pavpanchekha.com/blog/org-mode-publish.html). I've found it a pretty good blogging platform so far. A huge plus is the diversity of markup (definition lists, tables, footnotes, info boxes, and so on) that are directly supported, plus the ease of directly embedding raw HTML (for things like diagrams and charts).

But one challenge I've struggled with is how to generate full-content RSS quickly. I like that my blog's RSS includes the full blog post (since that's how I like reading posts) but Emacs wants to recompile every post every time I update the site—that takes minutes.

I've thought about this, too. I think the real problem is that your content should stand alone, and a program should come along to enhance it. Think of it like putting emacs in the browser to convert your org files. Or [gopher].

[gopher]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gopher_(protocol)

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