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HN Domain Exchange: Add your unused domains
78 points by oozcitak on Oct 15, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 125 comments
I registered a domain for a project a year ago and lost interest after about six months. Still I think it is a decent domain name and I don't want to release it in the void. I'd much prefer if a HNer would get it from me and build it into something great.

If you are similarly sitting on cool domain names from abandoned projects or weekend hacks, here is a google spreadsheet for you to share them:


three killers domain I own (and what I paid):

- kokua.com (5k) (to help in hawaiian)

- 20.com (70k) (20 means location on radio)

- aday.com (40k) (as in joke.aday.com, ".... A day.")

- lowimpact.com and noimpact.com (10k)... wanted to do a green blog.

If there were technical founders who wanted office space, angel backing and me as a founder/partner, I'd consider using one of the domains. You would have to be willing to live/work in Santa Monica (a really nice place to live fyi), I'd be open to any pitches....

i had my own ideas for each domain, but with Open Angel Forum booming (8 cities, 24 events a year... going to 12 cities, 36 events per year next year), Mahalo booming (20m uniques a month) and ThisWeekIn.com on fire (25 shows, $1m run rate, 14 employees in < 6 months) I'm too busy to lead new companies.

oh yeah, i'm hosting the launch conference on Feb 23rd and 24th and launching the email newsletter. so, that's like five companies in a year on top of my 15 angel investments a year.

ping me jason at mahalo.com

To add to what Jason said, I own 5g.com and would likewise entertain similar ideas/participation -- and would combine with other opportunities/partners for the right group: steve at radwebtech.com

I wonder if that name has some serious potential marketing for Sprint/AT&T/Verizon or whatever when their networks advance further. Already Sprint pushes "4G", and while it may be meaningless (or at least poorly representative), they might still be interested in that particular domain?

No, use this instead:


This came out a few months ago and there's a collection of URLs up there already.

This seems to rely on whois records. For those opting to avoid public whois info, this doesn't seem to have much value.

www.bathtubfood.com - would love the hear the story behind that one.

These spreadsheets are always vandalized, abandoned and then forgotten. Usually they go through that entire cycle within a single day.

If you are serious about it then find a better platform, or whip one up in django/rails.

Indeed - I see that ycombinator.com is up for trade on that spreadsheet.

You might want to send a confirmation to the legitimate contact email address obtained through whois before accepting exchange propositions.

P.S. domainnameexchange.com seems to be available

> I see that ycombinator.com is up for trade on that spreadsheet

I'll take it! ;)

I really like the idea of a pure domain exchange - no transfer of money, just a straight domain swap service. No obvious business model in it though.

For a business model, you might find an advertiser or two wanting the eyeballs of people looking for domains.

Another good way to monetize would be to analyze for common typos around the domain names being traded, and then offer those domains for sale via affiliate links to registrars.

Not anymore. I went to register it, and it's gotten by James Davis.

> Record created on 11-Nov-1999

I think it wasn't available in the first place.

Confirmed, having just checked the spreadsheet.

It didn't take long for people to start offering for sale domains, heh, I guess that's just as bad as vandalism.

I wonder if this could work as a dedicated website, I wonder what the overhead associated with functioning as an escrow for trading domains would be, I can imagine it could face some legal troubles when it goes wrong for someone. Hmmm...

Hi, I am also interested in karmawhores.net, I liked the website and would like to see it back up again (it would be awesome if you still have the db + source too). If edash doesn't want it, you can mail me @ soult@trid.inbox5.com.

I'm interested in yours...email me?

How about people list their domains here?

Right now, it is hard to tell who is real and who is fake without a large up front expenditure in time. Using HN, we can all do it collectively and reduce the time spent by each. (Just follow ErrantX style)

151+ Unregistered .co Domains startuppers/HNers may be interested in: http://www.getr.co Maybe a second sheet could be added that lists a domain a HNer found to be available but did not want to buy for himself(like the list I created). So any HNer who needs a domain can can get a quick list of awesome names.

Startup Idea: A Hipmunk/SeatGeek for buying and selling of webdomains!!! http://www.getr.co/startup-ideas/ahipmunkforbuyingandselling...

Cute, someone just deleted the whole spreadsheet. This is why we can't have nice things.

Anyhow, I have a few I'd be willing to sell: meeep.com, crapucopia.com, lolwhut.com, railsapplication.com, rofflez.com, taxonome.com, tweetannotations.org/.info, youshouldbuymesomething.com, webuildwebapplications.com/.net/.info

Just want to sell them; not interested in startup equity, you aunt's horse, or sharing an apartment in the Bay in exchange. :P

Some sick part of me really wants lolwhut.com

Ok, recovered, list available again.

  - cy-5.com                 cy-5 phonetic for sci-five , thought it had a science fiction vibe
  - decadentdystopia.com     a notion that societies begin to decay from their abundance
  - digitalstorms.com        maybe a national weather report for cloud services
  - hackerweekend.com
  - hanashikai.net           japanse romaji for ( hana - speech/ speak, kai - group) or conversation club
  - lumiscript.com
  - musicbasin.com           basin's are the fertile mouths of rivers pouring into the sea
  - phasecortex.com          was thinking about waves and brains, just sounded cool
  - probelion.com            what you call something when you lead a movement to create something from a loving passion.  this is not an act of change or to counter something like in rebellion.
  - socialhelix.com          the idea was social data that adds structure and binds us together
  - startup-wisconsin.com
  - whatson2nd.com           a reference to a joke
  - whatson2ndstreet.com
  - whereson3rd.com
  - zombiespotter.com        was supposed to be a location demo app for myspace

Competely off topic to this thread, but:

Went to an LA Dodgers game a couple of weeks ago with a friend, when Chin-lung Hu came out to bat I just burst out laughing. My friend, along with most people sat near us, thought I was pretty crazy.

I own spellwith.me and spellwithme.com... I was thinking of an interactive spelling-game type of site for elementary school teachers/students or ESL.

Something like http://www.spellingcity.com/ which is sucks in numerous ways but seems to be popular with educators.

I don't have the time for this project but maybe someone else is interested?

I think "exchange" should be defined more specifically.

"Exchange" for another domain only? Exchange for a reasonable fee? I'd consider $20 or under a reasonable fee. Some registrars might have a transfer fee of some sort - I'm generally willing to cover that cost as well.

"Compensation" is already being called for here - "exchange" - it's just not defined what that is.


Started this site as a way to search and filter OS Android Roms. My initial dataset was from androidspin.com, and I said as much. Just wanted a useful tool, instead I got shit from the Android "Community" for ripping off the guy's dataset. Their app for searching and filtering is still terrible, whereas I built something useful in about a day. Code was on github, I've since deleted it.


Joke domain, thought it would be funny to geolocate users and predict whether they are in a "crack-belt" and respond appropriately.


In-joke the CS students at Pace University have about smoking cigarettes. Is it?


If this page didn't load, you would know for sure the internet was down ;)

I have a ton of domains that I would partner or give away. All were potential business ideas at one point (I'm happy to discuss just email me...)

- adafio.com - online ads

- advergy.com - same

- cheqd.in - social check-ins

- faq5.com - faq software

- faqable.com - same

- funyl.com - marketing

- hiremill.com- freelancers

- nnder.com - no idea :)

- pillur.com - web app

- quibbr.com - web app

- usedly.com - used marketplace

- vinegr.com - web app

- wispur.com - web app

- vmayor.com - "virtual mayor" social app

- ProgrammerCookbook.com - Was gonna be where people code post code examples for various different languages etc.

- ConTickets.com - Think ticket master for Con's.

- FearCore.com - Featured Halloween stuff

- MyCollegeBlackboard.com - Was gonna make tools for when I was in college to help me study (Flash cards, etc. did some work with it and I got it to be able to import a lot of material that the textbooks offered on their supplemental sites.) Also wanted to offer grade trackers and a lot of other things.

- nTheMarket.com - eBay type site, may revisit this pretty soon.

- UndergroundGamer.com - never really done a lot with it.

There's a lot more, but those are the ones that I had really planned out.

How can I get in touch?

Joshua.Estes [at] ScenicCityLabs [dot] com

Here's a few domains I have been sitting on that were going to be used for projects. Email me if interested.

- AmazingCode.com - blog about good coding practices, principles, etc.

- GeekVentures.com - blog or business

- PeerVine.com - social network based on like-minded individuals

- RankWire.com - web app, rank stuff

- SalaryGuru.com - web app, find out what you should be paid

- SnapCaster.com - web app, similar to photokast.com

- SoloDeveloper.com - blog for an independent developer

- USBApps.com - something similar to portableapps.com

- WebCurio.com - web app, bookmark service? (curio: something unusual worthy of collecting)

Nice - Would be cool to create a similar spreadsheet for the opposite - domains wanted - or domain names suitable and available for different types of apps/sites

How would that be useful? If you want a domain and it's available, you can just register it. If it's not available, then listing it here won't change its availability and -- worst case -- will make it more expensive.

A list of available and suitable domain names seems like a bad idea... We already have squatters snapping up expired names. Publishing a list of useful and desirable names practically guarantees that someone will register the whole list just to squat on them.

Someone is adding false information to the spreadsheet, so I will post my names here:

- Cozers .com

- Frawn .com

- Hapse .com

- Huged .com

- Rarsy .com

- CaptionGame .com

- DesignerMonthly .com

- Logolio .com

- DevelopmentContest .com

- DownloadFeed .com

- RSSRevolution .com

- HTML5Framework .com

- ElectricWebsites .com

- MembershipBlogs .com

- Organized .co

- Fitted .co

- SaleDuJour .com

- SwiftPic .com

- WebPConvert + WebPConversion + WebPConverter .com

- http://FollowLists.com (needs Twitter oAuth)

- http://ShortPress.com (needs WordPress plugin development)

Willing to entertain any offers to purchase or proposals from potential technical co-founders. Contact me as soon as possible, thanks. (mark at dotsauce .com)

I'd be willing to trade, sell or partner up to actually build the following domains/ideas:

- AggregateDesign.com

- BuyJives.com

- CampusAI.com - forum+wiki for college students (made UI for it a while back)

- Everyday(Arab|Latino|Desi).com - news sites/blogs for each community (also made UI and template for it)

- GameFav.com

- GradSchoolRejects.com - Forum for people who can't get into graduate school (what to do next, etc.)

- LinkCrap.com

- LinkTard.com

- nfektus.com - Social sharing site, automatically sends your link to n random friends on upvote

- ngamr.com - social games site?

- SoFound.com

- StartMyself.com

E-mail address is in profile, get in touch.

I own the domain lifelytics.com

At some point, I wanted to start a startup doing life analytics. Sorta like RescueTime, but for your real life and not just your internet life. Instead of your browser, it would use your phone (which most people have on them 24/7) to collect metrics on your life.

I'm probably not going to get around to doing this in the near future, so I'd be willing to sell it to someone who would have better use of it.

Might want to check with people who hang out here: http://www.quantifiedself.com/

Thanks for the tip!

I have three domain names that I have added to the spreadsheet and would sell.



Twitter sorted with a ranking algorithm. For people that don't read everything in the stream, the good stuff gets voted up and hangs out at the top, the bad stuff gets voted down and falls faster.

Twitter search actually kind of works this way. If you search a popular term, things with many RT's are always at the top. The whole site could be that way.

You could also use the in_reply_to ids to make a Reddit-style comment tree. (Even #newtwitter doesn't show conversations well.)

Thinking about it now, it's Reddit with a 140 char limit, except you don't have the chicken-and-egg problem, since you're using the firehose to pre-populate with content.

Let me know if you want to do this. It may be our next pivot if our current [shameless plug coming] startup, Heyo (http://heyo.com, coming soon) doesn't work.

Great idea. I've put one on the list.

Also, it's amazing to watch how multiple users are editing the document at once.

I sat looking at the spreadsheet for a couple of minutes watching everyone edit. I wonder if there are any larger volume use-cases and what load it creates. I've never had more than 3 people concurrently editing a sheet before.

I remember idlingdomains.com being posted here on HN at one point which sought to solve the same problem. The issue I remember people having with it at the time was that you had to redirect the idle domain to their website for it to be picked up and added to the list.

What happened, I was working on it and then ... Why isn't their an option, so that users can only as (1 or x rows) and be able to delete/update only these rows.

I have one domain to sell, it's Codeinput.com (more than 1 year old), started a blog on it last year and then left it.

There's already a site here?

Yes, and maybe someone more innovative than me can do something more with it?

I registered apithings.com and apithin.gs for a side project that I still haven't gotten around to finishing. You can guess what the general theme is. I also managed to snag lus.is which made me infinitely happy. Not giving that one up ;)

I own RECTOID.COM, a colleague was trying to describe a shape and he came out with that. After a giggle I checked whois and was surprised it hadn't gone. So I ordered it and done nothing with it. It has a certain goatse tone about it.

Here are some I own and someday hope to develop (been saying that for a long time)


jobify.me - Job site

dejunkify.com - I don't quite remember maybe a site to put you in touch with trusted people to haul stuff off.



These two are someday going to be "local for sale by owner" type sites for 2 Texas counties.



Here's a "help wanted" post instead of a "for sale":

I want to do a research-oriented tech podcast but I'm looking for a cool name. If anyone can think of one (and has the domain to match), I'd be willing to pay as much as I can scrape together.

Help wanted would be a great thread --- crowdsourced domain naming...

love it!

I've got a few, the spreadsheet has no validity

valm.com - pronounceable LLLL.com blinek.com - village in poland mintmade.com clearobject.com sidelife.net/.org

Part of a blogging network: builtfordesigners.com builtfordevelopers.com builtforbloggers.com

The spreadsheet is a bit of a mess. I've got a two letter that I need to let go, though. http://rr.tl

Great for a URL shortener or the likes, I figure. Trade/sell works for me!

Anyone interested in http://technews.co

contact me on http://twitter.com/PaulJoslin/

i own a couple that haven't gone anywhere, currently i used them to teach myself various things (PHP, JQuery, etc.)

post2coast.com/posttocoast.com - was supposed to be a local site for rentals or classifieds

groovenine.com - for a buddy who likes house music, not much going on there right now

nostradumbus.com - currently teaching myself PHP on this one, i hope to set up something like onesentence.org, but for predictions of the future.

chugandgrub.com - hope to set up some kind of happy- hour/dinner/lunch/breakfast notification system

I own athansor.com (Athansor is the name of the white horse in Mark Helprin's novel "Winter's Tale"), you can have it for free if you want it, expires in March 2011.

I own compels.us, and I've never really used it for anything.

Someone please implement a cool idea for boringtosser.co.uk that jefffoster is exchanging. There is way too much awesomeness in that name for it to sit idle.

I think this already has the target demographic covered: http://www.dullmensclub.com/

Meh, spreadsheet is a mess already :(

If anyone wants to trade something for http://snappyhistory.com drop me a line


http://k-code.org (was going to be a Kohana project/module repo)

I have been sitting on websitez.com for a long time now.

I am currently working on a potential project with it, but it is still in the early stages.

I am open to anything really.

I've been holding on to 'isby.us' (this.isby.us etc...) for a rainy day. I've had a few thoughts, but nothing that really grabbed me yet.

- affpad.com

- afalytics.com, affilitics.com, affilytic.com, affilytics.com // was looking into doing an affiliate analytics app

- hashreply.com // idea was same as twithawk

- voxily.com

Interested in the aff names and to learn more about your app if you ever made any progress with it. :)

I didn't make any progress :)

The idea was to connect your different affiliate accounts to give you real-time, rich data about aggregate sales. But in order to access this information on behalf of the affiliate marketer you need to overcome a huge trust barrier (eg. with access to their cj account you can view their ssn).

I own needsleeves.com - was going to make a personal weather site but got busy/distracted. let me know if your interested.

If anyone want to work on any of these domains, let me know. I don't have time to work on these right now.




I've a few that I'd like to see used eventually:

* inhaling.com - political satire?

* awk.us - because awk is cool

* grep.us - something unixy and searchy

<edited formatting>

in response to this, i spent a few hours creating this app:


you can post domains for sale/trade and send messages to other users to negotiate trades.

i made it a bit generic so you can also post books or computer equipment that you might have for trade.

I own quickerfix.com It could be useful for a StackExchange-type site. Email is in my profile

CrowdSorcery.com (.net, .org)

I'm interested and sent you an e-mail.


I have searchably.com if anyone is interested in search related projects?

I have diledidact.com kind of a mush up of dilettante and autodidact.

Just in case, someone got interested on startupcurator.com buzz me :)

I have hoot.com. Still haven't come up with a finalized idea for it.

I checked to see if this domain was available 3 weeks ago! Small world. I hope you can come up with a great idea for the domain.


I've been trying to think of something cool to do with it for a couple of years now but haven't thought of anything great. I'm not sure if I want to give it up but am open to ideas.

Sellopy.com //would look nice for some commerce site.

logstrosity.com - was going to use it for the non-nice version of a game backlog app I’m working on, but have no interest in that anymore.

skedfly.com -- was thinking of doing something related to flight scheduling (and the weather maybe? :-))

resourcein.com - a place where people can share their networks and resources with their network

Still a work in progress

I've absolutely no idea why I own this domain, but if you want it you're welcome to it (send me an offer). Email is in my profile.


themeshop.com - Ultimate Wordpress theme marketplace. Email me with offers or ideas.

- pizara.com - spotdish.com




drive-inn / driveinn.com


email in my profile.






Nice hedging of your bets on torture there.

More like don't let my opponents have the obvious counter-site.

textfight.com cfbfantasy.com devhard.com htmldr.com

plzRT.me ("please retweet me", info@elbertf.com)


Email me if interested.


I'm interested in this. You've got email.

w0mbat.com. My email is in my profile.


(email is in my profile)

hopbuy.com - was for a shopping site.



wudwua.com (where u at, what u doing)




- billbucket.com

- billcave.com

- lappy.org

- thisismyipad.com

- thisismylaptop.com



fiftylocal.com (and 50local.com)

- enaho.com

- infully.com

- unitial.com

- statester.com

- pickforce.com

- dealerto.com











see profile for email

few of mine:





I own a lot of domains, but the best of them all would have to be http://meatgalore.com I bought it with the intention of making a meat focused groupon type site, but upon realization of its awesome porn potential the project kind of died.

I'd be willing to part with it to someone who wants to make a kick ass gay porn site. Its not really a profit thing for me. I just want a story to tell.

Hah, that reminds me. I own meatlobby.com because it came up in a conversation and as soon as I heard those two words together, I whois'd and bought it.

lol --> "I'd be willing to part with it to someone who wants to make a kick ass gay porn site."

http://www.TutorialShop.com - bought many years ago, can't seem to come up with a good enough Tutorial model for this site. Willing to partner or trade.

I'd be very interested in this domain for a tutorial site for new developers. I have several domains I'd be willing to exchange, or we can work out something. Shoot me an email if you're interested, my email is in my profile.


I was looking for a domain similar as I am writing small iphone/ipad apps to teach science and other concepts to kids. e-mail in my profile.

I don't see your email in your prof. mine is rasiel at gmail

Just thought i'd let anyone else interested in this domain that i've found a possible partner & the domain is currently in use.

thanks HN

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