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MIT reinvents the Post-It note... with Post-It notes (engadget.com)
23 points by iamelgringo on May 2, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Great idea. Simply great.

If they replace the reader with good computer vision technology which scans documents from cameras watching your desk, this could go really far...

I don't ever see this coming to fruit but I LOVED the idea, wow. If the attachment/reader was wireless I would so use it, just to have :)

Beethoven's 3rd Symphony was a nice touch.

As for the idea... nah, not really, as long as it needs the attached reader etc.

I hope MIT's next innovation will be getting the prototypical engineer's handwriting OCR'd.

hmm... a $0.0000001 postit note now costs $0.025. I'm sure businesses will be all over it <where's my roll-eyes emoticon?)

This is just another case of solving a problem that doesn't need solving. If it wasn't MIT this would be on a late night infomercial.

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