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Okay, I stand corrected. I did a bunch of research, but I clearly missed some superior MIDI players. I'll take a look at FluidSynth-lite and see if there's some way to use it.

One issue I can already see is they use a SoundFont file (.sf2) instead of instrument patch files, which means the whole 100MB+ file probably needs to be loaded before playback. My current approach uses GUS patch files which have one file per instrument, so I can load just what's needed for a particular song and start playing much sooner.

Edit: It looks the GeneralUser SoundFont is only 31MB and it sounds almost as good as the 100MB+ one. So, while this will still be slower than my current approach of loading just the needed instruments, perhaps if I start loading it in the background with ServiceWorker and cache it forever, this could work. Thoughts welcome.

Perhaps give users the choice of which MIDI playback "engine" to use? It seems a shame to throw away all of your hard work (on the player) so far.

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