The other day I was doing some basic data collection and graphing, with the initial version being done in Excel, for something as basic as adding a trendline I had to resort to googling the answer, and following a sequence of several click this, then click this style to get what I needed.
Turns out it was actually easier to understand how to do what I needed using python matplotlib (not a CLI program granted).
Design, documentation and managing complexity are far more important to discoverability than GUI vs CLI.
The other day I was doing some basic data collection and graphing, with the initial version being done in Excel, for something as basic as adding a trendline I had to resort to googling the answer, and following a sequence of several click this, then click this style to get what I needed.
Turns out it was actually easier to understand how to do what I needed using python matplotlib (not a CLI program granted).
Design, documentation and managing complexity are far more important to discoverability than GUI vs CLI.