The Laravel community and projects/products that are part of it are very attractive from a small business POV, everything seems to work well together, knowledge is transferable.
You have Laravel for web apps, the Statamic CMS for blogs and content heavy sites, Jigsaw for landing pages, Maizzle as email framework, all using tech and conventions that Laravel devs know. On the frontend they promote Vue and Tailwind CSS across the board.
They actually make it possible for smaller shops or freelancers to have everything under their control. It's basically like a polished Wordpress ecosystem.
You have Laravel for web apps, the Statamic CMS for blogs and content heavy sites, Jigsaw for landing pages, Maizzle as email framework, all using tech and conventions that Laravel devs know. On the frontend they promote Vue and Tailwind CSS across the board.
They actually make it possible for smaller shops or freelancers to have everything under their control. It's basically like a polished Wordpress ecosystem.