Saying 200ms flat reaction time is "human level" is really unfair. That is raw reaction time when a is human paying attention for a stimulus, like in a reaction time test.
Lets look at casting a spell in a Dota. First I need to perceive my target. Then I need to move my mouse to the target, which is error prone. Then I need to press a button and click. Even for a human with extremely fast reaction time, this targeting phase will put you above 200ms easily, even if your perceptual reaction time was only 200ms.
The OpenAI bots don't have to target. They process their input, and take an action in just 200ms.
There may be situations where a human can make predictions, pretarget something and get a true 200ms reaction time, but in the general case 200ms is super human by a significant margin.
Hm. I used to run an experiment at an Engineering Fair at school. Oscilloscope, random pulse, trigger button, time the reaction time. Some fast kids could get it down to the double-digits, even 20-30 ms, pressing that button after seeing the pulse. If I remember right.
That sounds like an interesting experiment. Is it possible they were predicting the pulse? I could imagine a scenario where they would predict and at times get it wrong and press before the pulse, but at times the timing could work out just right such that after accounting for all human latency, the press landed just after the pulse coincidentally. What other factors did your experiment account for?
Hmm. Using the site that was the first Google result[0] to test myself and I could never get anything below 220ms. Could you be misremembering by a factor of 10?
Yeah it can't have been so low can it? But it was double digits. Anyway, the fastest ones would put their eye right up to the scope, so the pulse would have the largest signal right into their eye. I thought that was clever.
Lets look at casting a spell in a Dota. First I need to perceive my target. Then I need to move my mouse to the target, which is error prone. Then I need to press a button and click. Even for a human with extremely fast reaction time, this targeting phase will put you above 200ms easily, even if your perceptual reaction time was only 200ms.
The OpenAI bots don't have to target. They process their input, and take an action in just 200ms.
There may be situations where a human can make predictions, pretarget something and get a true 200ms reaction time, but in the general case 200ms is super human by a significant margin.