Just my 2c of course, IMHO, but a major reason you are getting so much grief is because of how difficult you have made it for people who cant now afford your services at the scale they once did, and how difficult it is for people to move from your service.
>>There will always be a "cheap" or cheaper competitor out there but we are not that one.
Well not now you are not. You hold all of their customers details, moving from chargify to something more affordable is a nigh on impossible task. I'd expect that there are more than a few startups who will just shut up shop who just dont have the resource to enter into a process of getting all of the users to re-sign up with alternative providers. Thats pretty sad dont you think?
>>There will always be a "cheap" or cheaper competitor out there but we are not that one.
Well not now you are not. You hold all of their customers details, moving from chargify to something more affordable is a nigh on impossible task. I'd expect that there are more than a few startups who will just shut up shop who just dont have the resource to enter into a process of getting all of the users to re-sign up with alternative providers. Thats pretty sad dont you think?