Bing folks, are you running this on Linux? Common problem a few years ago was that perf of the Linux version of Core sucked compared to Windows. The only way to fix that is through serious dogfooding. I’m wondering to what extent Microsoft is committed to such dogfood on Linux.
Windows Server 2016. All the improvements in the post that helped us are the same on Linux. I will agree though there's more dogfooding to be done. It's happening slowly but surely.
Exciting to hear. .NET is truly a diamond in the rough on the Linux side, its only major problem seems to be catch-22 in the sense that few people use it there, so the ecosystem is slow to come in.
A few years ago is a long time for .NET core, it was in it's infancy then. It's a mature product these days. I've never been a MSFT-platform dev, but I enjoyed fiddling with .NET core for a while. The only annoyance big then was they were caught between two package manager formats