When it comes to apps, but more music and movies. Yes that will play into decisions heavily. Why would I buy an Android pad over an iPad if all my games, music and apps are on iTunes. It was the same with Windows desktop lock in (games and apps).
Music I can understand. I wouldn’t want to be unable to listen to it on a mobile device other than an iPod or iPhone. It’s personal and I have spent a lot of money on it. (Music from the iTunes Store doesn’t have DRM anymore, though.) But something as ephemeral as apps? I have spent maybe $100 or even $150 on apps in the last two years (which gets you a ton of apps) but I wouldn’t miss much more than maybe $15 of apps were I to switch. That’s nothing.
I can understand that you don’t want to spend something like $3000 just to get the Creative Suite and Office after you switched to a Mac but apps are somehow completely different (ephemeral, cheap, disposable).