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No additional detail in the article really, I have the same questions I had after reading the headline. Not committed how? Jumped the gun on what?

I can see not wanting to spend time in WM7 when you have Samsung announcing 5,000,000 Galaxy S sold and all of your games don't run on Android yet but why not just come out and say it?

Microsoft put a shot up of it's store with an Angry Birds icon. The developer(s?) of Angry Birds never said they were making a version for Windows Phone 7.

The developers weren't committed to making the game, Microsoft jumped the gun by implicitly saying they were with that icon.

On the other hand, when MS has done some advertising for you like that, why not take advantage of it.

I agree that the article is really short on details.

Right now, the Angry Birds brand is way stronger than the Windows Phone 7 brand. A cynic might say MS were trying to capitalise on that.

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