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What's interesting in all this coverage is how the actual content said wasn't so much as alluded to beyond "hate speech". Who was he hating on and how? Can we discuss hate without being hateful?

Not sure if you're serious--he hates on anybody that is considered "liberal" or "left" by his side. Hillary Clinton (especially), George Soros, the "Deep State," bankers, reptilians, "SJW's," Democrats, and so on. It's literal fear mongering.

Which is hilarious considering he was a liberal screaming at the right only a decade ago. Hell he's even in Philip k dicks a scanner darkly screaming liberal values on a street corner.

A decade ago I remember watching EndGame on some prompting of a friend who thought it was great, but who must have fallen asleep while watching it because me recounting some of the sillier bits he thought I was talking nonsense. That was 10 years ago, and it didn't strike me as being particularly liberal in presentation. I wasn't aware of Alex Jones until watching that, but it was pretty clear to me he was a crackpot just stirring people up.

You don't get to put up such a farcical claim without proof. Please prove to me that Alex Jones was liberal for an entire episode any single day this millennium.

Wait, are we speaking of modern liberal/left values or libertarian views? These are not the same, are they? I don't quite understand the evolution of these words but it seems Alex Jones is first and foremost for personal liberty. Note: do not take my understanding of Alex Jones as me backing or supporting him, he's a nutcase.

This answers the "who" part of the question, but not the "how".

Like reasonable, responsible members of any community, what people want to take away from this is "where is the line set" and "where did IW's trajectory take them over the line"? If those questions can't be answered to satisfaction, then this is not custodial, it's political activism coming from the top down i.e. tyranny.

(My personal belief, having looked into a few of IW's productions, is that they are disingenuous provocateurs, and I generally support their sort of product being sidelined from mainstream discourse on the basis that it's an anti-pattern, or a kind of virus that infects and deflects rational discourse.)

What community are you talking about? Whose satisfaction? Are you making up your own definition for the word "tyranny"?

My brother is having a fit because he likes listening to Jones for 'conspiracy entertainment'. He's really upset that these companies are 'bullying' Jones.

Wait, afaik Alex Jones would call himself a hardcore libertarian. Seems people think he is a right wing guy but I don't see that.

That's probably what he identifies as, yeah. I'm not interested in the semantics of what he thinks he is or whatever. I'm just going by what he has ranted about on his show. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2018/07...

And also by who views his show/content--e.g. the president, the right-wing, etc.

Since then, more content from the same Pages has been reported to us — upon review, we have taken it down for glorifying violence, which violates our graphic violence policy, and using dehumanizing language to describe people who are transgender, Muslims and immigrants, which violates our hate speech policies.


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