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Mostly spamassasin, more or less out of the box. Also postscreen (only the pregreet test) [1] to keep out the dumbest kind of spambots. Works really great and not worse than my gmail account. I don't agree that gmail is damn good at spam filtering, it's quite average.

[1] http://www.postfix.org/POSTSCREEN_README.html

Spamassassin almost cost me my career. A manager at a big company over a team doing my "dream job" emailed me, and Spamassassin threw it straight in to the bit bucket for whatever arbitrary reason it did. Fortunately a recruiter at said company was more persistent and managed to get through to me by phone. That job ended up catapulting me onto a career "hockey stick," and if it weren't for that, I'd likely still be languishing in some sad corner of IBM.

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