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Diversity quotas suck. Here's why. (alinelerner.com)
20 points by leeny on July 26, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

> Instead of trying to manage outcomes by focusing on quotas, we should target root causes and create the kind of hiring process that will, by virtue of being fair and inclusive, bring about the diversity outcomes we want.

Basically Damore's argument without the scientific language and I'd argue much nicer formulated. However, the biggest factor why her argument won't incite an internet rage mob is because she's not a white dude (To be clear, I criticize our infantile outrage culture, not her argument, which is spot on).

I loved her honesty in admitting that she will probably never have an idea of whether her gender played a role in her admission to MIT. I was not however expecting the hard sales pitch at the end which felt like an improper way to end a relatively interesting train of thought. Maybe that's why the bulk of the post lacking specific answers to the proposed problems.

I guess a more general way of putting it would be that I believe in redefining credentialing in tech to be more efficient/meritocratic in parallel with giving broader access to education.

A "train of thought" is cheap. Author is doing something about the issue, not just talking. What is wrong with promoting ones work?

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