You joke, but I've been thinking. Tabs were mind blowingly good UX when they first came out, But with WebAssembly et al, are tabs still the right abstraction?
> But with WebAssembly et al, are tabs still the right abstraction?
How are these two things related? One is for running code in a VM, and the other is a UX pattern for presenting multiple screens/interfaces for multitasking.
Sorry I jumped three steps in my head. If browsers are truly beginning to implement OS features, pretending that the web is a series of 2d sites rendered through the dom into a series of tabs may be an overly restrictive view of the world. What if a browser were reimagined as an OS where internet resources were 1st class objects? I don't have holistic view, just a shower thought.
This might be crazy, but... I think it would be kinda cool if tabs were a Thing at the window-manager level. It’s sort of a reverse approach to solving the Electron “problem”- instead of making web applications more like desktop applications, make desktop applications (including browsers) work more seamlessly together.