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Show HN: Mandalagaba – Create mandalas and tessellations online (mandalagaba.com)
124 points by Weedback on July 24, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 53 comments

Any chance of being able to download a vector/SVG version?

...I can think of a multitude of reasons why "no bloody way!", just wondering :)

It's been requested before and it's on the list of features to implement but I haven't gotten around to it yet. The work is actually saved as a home-made vector graphic type format so it would "only" be a matter of translation :).

In the meantime, if you do some work, then zoom in, then hit save, you'll end up with a much larger render :).

So yes-way, it's just a matter of time & feature priority and this one is a little on the niche side; although it did just get +1 vote :)

Neat! If it ever takes your fancy, I'd love to read about your development process - "programming vicariously" as I like to think of it :)

Good job!

- ed

Of course - I'm displaying my high proficiency as an "idiot in a hurry" and missed this, clearly linked: http://blog.mandalagaba.com/miscellaneous-ramblings/ !

Heh, no worries, I have more specific to development on my personal blog: http://ben.akrin.com/?cat=4

You might recognize an article which hit HN back in march about turning your web traffic into a super computer :).

Don't be so hard on yourself :)

We maintain a feature update/changelog on there as well as a roadmap if you want to know what we are going to work on next.

Reminds me of weavesilk.com nicely done.

One suggestion would be an automatic mode that arbitrarily generates art.

Thanks for your nice comment. Weavesilk is super cool indeed.

We thought about an automatic mode actually but still haven't put it on the to-do list.

One thing users can do though is replay their mandalas. This is how it works: 1) You draw your design. 2) You click on the "Session info" button. 3) Inside the session info pop-up, you click on the replay link. Here is a screenshot for good measure: https://imgur.com/XP4GNDT

Can you please not hijack the back button to generate random background colors? That's what F5 is for...

I can't seem to find a way to start a new one/erase all other than just deleting the unique end part of the URL and reloading.

Thanks for your feedback! You can use the "New Canvas" button / option to start off clean: https://imgur.com/JHsI61W

We are re-structuring various sections of the interface to make that options more apparent.


It would be nice to have a way to just clear the drawing without randomising all the settings. That's how Weavesilk works. There should be a seperate "Random" and "New" button.

Also sometimes the Undo button just doesn't do anything and gets stuck highlighted yellow. I'm not sure how to "unstuck" it and get undo to work, so instead I have to refresh and lose all the settings.

Thanks for the feedback! The reason why we mix up the settings is to let users play around with predetermined arrangements. We think that that is cool in certain circumstances. But we also agree with you on the fact that separating "Random" and "New" button is a good idea.

Reminds me of many hours spent on Amiga's Deluxe Paint.

just checked it out and my mind went kablamo. Thanks for the comparison!

this is awesome, nice job! it really has a lot of features. the presentation and explanation of those features, as you yourself admit, could still be improved a lot, but I can definitely see how much work went into it, and it's fantastic.

I always liked the idea of drawing with symmetries. maybe you will want to consider recursive drawing? I saw some apps like that for first time here in HN. the randomization at the start is also great, but I would love having some more conventional, handpicked palettes to choose, or maybe an easy mode more focused on the basic features only.

anyway, really cool!

Thank you so much for you comment. Very good advice in here. Spot on. We hadn't even though about recursive drawing. On the todo list. We agree with most of what you point out and we are currently working on ways to simplify the controls and option.

Wow, that was satisfying!

I liked the triangles split into further regions. Ala http://www.mandalagaba.com/#ucKlDy

You played around with the tessellations feature! Thanks. You also are sharing your session URL, which is really cool 'cause I did a bad job at explaining how that works. Actually, I just connected to your session and can see you drawing in real time. I can even collaborate on your drawing with you.

If you saw a big white "hello" appear on your screen, that was me :)

Hah, didn't know others could edit. It's been completely vandalized now haha. But cool, will share this with others, not just publicly!


minor tech point: the automatic redirect is a bit annoying because it makes it difficult to navigate back (bad!)

Thanks for the "awesome"! I’ll look into making this not affect the browser history, thanks for the feedback. I hate these redirects that prevent you from going back too.

You probably want to replace the location instead of pushing onto it.

aye, geesh you guys are pointing bugs and providing the solutions, what a crowd!

I'll get around to it this evening :) thank you very much.

Made this with one pen stroke. https://imgur.com/BbK2AG3

Loaded this up on chrome and wasn't able to make anything appear on screen. Tried changing the # via the - and + at the top and got an undef.

Log - No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://www.mandalagaba.com' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 503.

Hmmm, do you have any kind of super duper security plugin maybe? This message makes it sounds like the level of security applied to your Chrome is super anal :). And I don't find much of anything Googling for it.

Lots' of these in console using chrome on windows. No special settings or anything.

Failed to load http://2cbjt.akrin.com:7342/socket.io/?focused=true&url=www....: Redirect from 'http://2cbjt.akrin.com:7342/socket.io/?focused=true&url=www.... to '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://www.mandalagaba.com' is therefore not allowed access.

Totally weird but that was an unnecessary tidbit of a script so I removed it. Thanks for pointing it out.

Still not working on Chrome (67.0.3396.99)

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined at update_mouse_position (javascript.min.js:1) at HTMLCanvasElement.on_canvas_mouse_down (javascript.min.js:1) update_mouse_position @ javascript.min.js:1 on_canvas_mouse_down @ javascript.min.js:1

I'm unable to reproduce so far sorry :\ What box are you running this on?

ChromeOS is the non-working one.

It works fine on macOS 69.0.3494.0 and 67.0.3396.99

Looking at the source, it wants to read a touch event whenever touch is supported (in update_mouse_position)-- but I'm using a mouse. Even though there's a touch screen, too :) (And using the touch screen, I can draw)

Either way, this is awesome - thank you for putting this together!

wow, ok I'll definitely look into it, I'm pretty sure I can get my hands on a ChromeOS box. Thank you so very much for taking the time to point out exactly at what's going on.

Same issue. I've got a touchscreen but use a mouse, works on touchscreen, not mouse. Cannot drag around the canvas even with touch tho.

No idea what just happened here: https://imgur.com/Se1jzmd

Works on smartphone with Firefox, but if I select a different color I can only get the selection box go away by tapping on screen or changing color. Both have repercussions. Perhaps make the undo button more prominent?

Thanks for the feedback! I am not sure I am understanding this correctly. You should have other colors to choose from (https://imgur.com/J3MCXWo). Or is this not a color choice issue?

When I click (touch) on one of these I get the selection bar to modify the color right away. It causes me to not see 50% of my screen, but in order to get rid of it I gotta click on the background behind it therefore "painting". I feel like touch-wise the UI could use some improvements. Though it could've been worse, too.

Thanks for following up on this. Yeah... we know we have to improve this one way or another. Truth be told, Mandalagaba is more convenient on a tablet with a stylus or on a desktop but I agree that we have to find ways of making it more suitable for smartphones.

I don't know which percentage of visitors is from smartphone but if you communicated that it is optimized for PC/laptop/stylus I'd have used that instead

Just wow!!! Free, fast and highly addictive. Must try it while listening to liquid DnB or psychedelic trance ;-)

Very cool!

For folks with iPads, Procreate just released a similar feature (radial symmetry drawing)

This works on iPads as well. On the web or as a free app (Mandalagaba).

Awesome and trippy

Thanks :) agree on both, it's nice to see other folks feel the same way.

We had these exact features more than 20 years ago as a built-in feature of Deluxe Paint – probably the leading computer paint program of its (and arguably all) time.

How does the saving by unique hash work?

I'm not sure I understand the question exactly as you intend it so my answer may be off but I'll try :).

Simply, the work is saved on the web server and the hash is what is used to refer to it.

Is that what you were after?

This is beautiful work!

Thanks for the kind words!


getting hugged pretty hard, working on increasing server firepower...

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