> (including several in New Jersey, which coincidentally is challenging the constitutionality of the national gambling restrictions in the Supreme Court)
An update on that: New Jersey won, 6-3, with Kagan joining the conservative wing of the court in this majority. The conclusion is that Congress and the states each have concurrent power to regulate sports gambling. Congress hadn't actually done that directly, but rather had banned states from legalizing it. That's been struck down.
An update on that: New Jersey won, 6-3, with Kagan joining the conservative wing of the court in this majority. The conclusion is that Congress and the states each have concurrent power to regulate sports gambling. Congress hadn't actually done that directly, but rather had banned states from legalizing it. That's been struck down.
Opinion analysis from the excellent SCOTUSblog: http://www.scotusblog.com/2018/05/opinion-analysis-justices-...