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PythonRobotics: Python sample codes for robotics algorithms (atsushisakai.github.io)
208 points by wei_jok on July 8, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

Oh, neat! I'm currently taking the AI for Robotics class through Georgia Tech OMSCS, so this is a topic I am interested in, and in the language I currently use professionally. Thank you for sharing!

Wow... this is pretty much the core component of that class. I wish I had access to this after the assignments. Not having access to working code after we were graded so that we knew what was wrong was just horrible/painful/depressing. To make matters worse, the next assignment did build on that. Helplessness.

I did comment in my end of class review about it, but the forum feedback was pretty much 'it had to be that way' so the next cohorts did not have access to it. I was not the only one pleading for working code. I was happy to get a poor grade as a reflection on work submitted, but I wanted to learn how to do it right and that opportunity was not afforded to me.

I still did not get access at the end of the class so I hope this site helps me fill in the knowledge gaps that the course refused to do.

Oh great! Is Sebastian Thrun still teaching that class? I took it a few years ago in OMSCS and learnt a lot! One of my favorite classes in the program.

He does all the videos, but the instructor running this instance of the class is Jay Summet.

This is some really cool information! I implemented a map-parsing algorithm that used a data structure that enabled neighboring cell access in constant time. It's biggest weakness is that very high-resolution occupancy maps take quite some time to render. I'm very inexperienced when it comes to sharing my coding projects with the world, so any feedback on the readability/accessibility of my repository would be greatly appreciated! https://github.com/dwrodri/LQTLD3

The visualizations are lovely.

I wonder how easy it would be to integrate this to ROS for real robotic simulations. Anyone has experience in the matter?

I have not used real robotic simulations, but I have used RViz and ROS for testing my own path-finding algorithms. Performance on my Late 2015 MacBook Pro was stuttery (about 15-20 fps), but still good enough to be somewhat usable.

Overall, I had more issues with finding good resources on the rospy module than anything else. It seems almost all robotics development with ROS is done using C++ instead of Python (in my little experience), so there is little I could find in terms of code samples that would allow to get past a project like this (https://github.com/gandalf15/CS3027--CS5059--Robotics-Univer...).

I felt the same way during my lectures. I wanted to use Python because I had already implemented the fuzzy functions I needed for obstacle avoidance and it is overall simpler, but most people on class used C++ anyway.

FWIW, after realizing I never directly answered your question, I figured I should give you a full response.

Rospy aside, writing and implementing your own SLAM/path-planning tools in ROS is quite simple once you get familiar with the architecture of ROS. All the sensor data can be collected by subscribing to the right channel, and then you can return driving instructions back to a controller by publishing them on another channel. Since all this channel business operates on the network layer, you can even offload the computational workload of the algorithms to a remote system and have the robot get its moving instructions over Wi-Fi.

It highly depends on what exactly you want to integrate on which robot. Stuff like control algorithms can be dependent on the type of robot used. Also, a lot of this stuff is already present in ROS as a downloadable package.

I confess I only worked on small projects and all the movement/trajectory/obstacle avoidance functions were implemented manually, so this didn't cross my mind.

It really makes sense to rely on the ROS packages, I will look what is available, thank you.

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