This isn't about the state monad, it's about seq. "But now seq must distinguish ⊥ from λx → ⊥, so they cannot be equal. But they are eta-equivalent. We have lost eta equality!" - once you lose eta equality you lose everything. A whole raft of monads become impossible, not just state.
Equivalence in Haskell is defined only up to ⊥; to work in Haskell we rely on the "Fast and Loose Reasoning is Morally Correct" result that if two expressions are equivalent-up-to-⊥. and both non-⊥ then they are equivalent.
(Or, y'know, work in Idris with --total and avoid this problem entirely).
Just to agree and emphasize, a more accurate title would probably be "Breaking eta equality breaks the monad laws." A lot of equational reasoning in general goes out the door at that point, not just monads.
More generally any kind of system that is able to introspect and differentiate between non-equivalent evaluations of itself tends to break a lot of invariants.
Imagine trying to establish equivalences between sequential and concurrent processes if the processes in question could introspect what thread it was running on and changed behavior based on that.
So yeah. Seq is what breaks things here. Not State. But even Haskell sometimes has to compromise purity for practicality.
> even Haskell sometimes has to compromise purity for practicality.
Well, the designers of Haskell made reasonable decisions based on what was known at the time. I'd argue that Idris shows that we don't have to make this particular compromise any more (and, more generally, that the result of Haskell's lazy-by-default experiment is negative).
It's not so simple in my mind. Sure it sounds good on paper to just throw out laziness and go strict by default, until you realize how much you are giving up by not having laziness the default.
My difficulty with Haskell was not that it was lazy, but that it was hard to tell how something would be evaluated without understanding it's entire evaluation model.
I think you could have a lazy by default language that makes this a lot more transparent but I'm still thinking about how that might look.
Are you familiar with Python's approach to iteration? Obviously Python itself is a world away from Haskell, but its model of lazy and eager iteration is very pleasant to work with, and with Haskell-style typeclasses it would be dead-simple.
Laziness is definitely possible in a strict language via thunks (similar to how Haskell does it behind the scenes). However I didn't realize what laziness by default makes possible until I spent considerable time in the Haskell ecosystem. It really is a game changer.
> Are you familiar with Python's approach to iteration? Obviously Python itself is a world away from Haskell, but its model of lazy and eager iteration is very pleasant to work with
That isn't my experience. As soon as you're in a chain of transformations you have no idea what's lazy or strict.
This is true, but I don't often see people writing code like this in the wild. That's what I mean about it being actually easy with static typing -- you can have the compiler and/or your IDE check for you whether it's a lazy sequence (like a Generator in Python) or not (like a Set, List, etc).
Most of the time it would be polymorphic over whether the sequence is lazy though. And the kind of code that wouldn't behave properly with a lazy sequence tends not to be detectable statically; you could maybe rely on types to convey whether the author intended their code to work on lazy sequences, but realistically that probably wouldn't help you much.
how can I know whether someOtherFunction interferes with someFunction if they run at the same time? The only way to know whether the maps are strict or lazy is knowing what x is, but x might come from some a different file or a different project even, so there's no way to know whether this function only works (and is only expected to work) for strict x or not. Actually even knowing what x is isn't enough, because even if x is strict, f can end up being called in a lazy way if I later do:
(y for x in someGeneratorThatGeneratesLists for y in f(x))
Sorry, I'm not too knowledgeable about these things. What is the strict-versus-lazy dichotomy? I wouldn't have thought that they had to do with each other.
Strict being the opposite of lazy - expressions are executed immediately.
Like for instance, given an expression...
x = foo(13)
In a strict language foo(13) will be evaluated immediately.
In a lazy evaluation model, x be 'the result of foo(13)', but foo(13) won't actually be evaluated until some expression forces evaluation, by, for instance, printing the value.
This is a gross simplication... lazy can do some really neat things like having functions that return infinite streams. The function would theoretically never terminate, but in practice would be called via something like...
for event in infinite_stream()
.. do stuff ..
if event == TERMINAL_VALUE:
Is strict a commonly used word for the opposite of lazy? I've always seen it as "eager", but maybe that's in the context of other programming languages.
It's commonly used that way, but it's a slightly informal use: being rigorous, "strict" and "non-strict" describe semantic models; whereas "eager" and "lazy" describe evaluation strategies with those semantics. Ie, eager evaluation leads to strict semantics, and lazy evaluation to non-strict semantics.
I wouldn't say so, just efficiency. The cost of booking for laziness isn't free. While it can potentially pay dividends when you're able to avoid evaluation altogether, it isn't free.
I'd say it's the need to reason about evaluation, which might be because of side effects but might also be because of performance (of course that can be regarded as another side effect). Laziness has theoretical advantages but in practice we haven't been able to get away from having to understand how our programs are executed, even in Haskell.
The by-demand implementation gives a guarantee that an expression is never evaluated if it is not used. Other non-strict forms exist where every expression will be touched, but no guarantees are given on the ordering. MIT's pH Haskell dialect is an example of this.
I could never figure out how to parse something between evaluating inside out (strict) and outside in (lazy, well ignoring the complexity around multiple evaluations). Every informal definition I thought of seemed too weak to be useful. This was due to the core problem that generally speaking the coder needs to know if a particular expression will be evaluated using local reasoning (e.g. if I get here will `A` or `B` be evaluated) and without by-demand or strict you can't make that guarantee.
Taking a quick look at pH it looks like they haven't figured out the semantics quite yet so that isn't a true answer to the question either.
Have there been any other non-strict languages with well known semantics? (Excluding things like Prolog)
I always scares me how little I understand from comments talking about Haskell. Either I'm much more dumb that I though, or the whole community decided that purity beat practicality.
Eta-conversion is just the statement that having function(x) { f(x) }, in JS, is equivalent to having f. In short, wrapping a function in another function (or removing such a layer) makes no difference.
Like most of lambda calculus, this is extremely intuitive once described that way. Therefore, a situation for which it is false is disconcerting. It's also considered one of the "monad laws", which is the small set of rules that everyone assumes is true for every monad, but which the language doesn't (can't) enforce via the type system.
⊥, pronounced bottom, is a "value" that, if you ask for it, your program breaks. It may go into an infinite loop, or it may crash.
The GP post is therefore explaining that, because eta conversion in this case fails when the function returns bottom, we should be disconcerted. It's a mild form of disconcertion, however: Things would only go wonky if you try to run code that would, in any case, hang or crash.
The reason it isn't completely harmless is that the difference may be observable: A crash in pure code triggers an exception, which can be caught in its impure wrapper code, and a hang can in some cases be converted to an exception by the garbage collector. In theory all bottoms are equal, but in practice they aren't.
Quite the opposite; the community is very practicality-oriented. There's just a different style of naming things, because things in Haskell tend to be more general. But in most languages any frameworks will introduce their own terminology; comments about the details of (say) React observables are just as incomprehensible if you're not familiar with React.
Well, the facebook team decided to use a specific variation (monodirectional with no side effect) of MVC and rename it flux to confuse everybody. So I react is probably not a good software to measure yourself against when it comes to clarity.
It was a random choice of big-name framework; I could say the same of Rails or Spring or anything.
Naming things is hard, and the same pattern is constantly rediscovered in different places. If anything I'd say Haskell's difficulties come from the other end: being too willing to respect the "original" name of a concept from an old mathematical paper rather than coming up with a branding that programmers will be more comfortable with.
One issue I have with ad hoc naming convention is that while they may make the first month of learning nice and easy they usually don't have the nice synthesizing effect where all of your notations come together beautifully.
Math is terse and there is an initial hurdle to get over. However, once that initial hurdle is cleared there are a lot of things that become obvious as a direct consequence of the notational bootstrapping that we did.
With that said, every time I start looking at Haskell I end up playing with category theory instead which may be indicative of something.
The parent seems to agree with you, that Haskell is maybe too eager to keep to 'mathematical' names, but it almost sounds like you interpreted the parent the other way around?
Your comment reads almost equally well with two different interpretations. One a restatement of fact, and the other a rather rude response to a misunderstood message.
I've been playing the game of Go for 15 years. I barely know how to play Chess beyond moving the pieces. They are both board games played on a grid. I should be a pro at Chess based on my Go experience?
Haskell isn't completely different from your standard imperative programming language (functions, variables, etc), but it is definitely a different enough paradigm that you can't just pick it up in a day or two based on your existing experience. My biggest struggle when I picked it up 4 years ago was unlearning my imperative knowledge. Once I was able to throw away my initial preconceptions things got easier.
On the other hand, software engineering is still software engineering. Regardless of what tools you use, you usually have to solve them in a similar way. Your 15 years are still useful :)
Yeah, but have you ever thought, "Y'know, maybe the fact that we can't reason in Hask but instead have to work in franken-Hask where not everything works as intended," and then thought, "Maybe this is a problem?"
Fast and loose reasoning is not morally correct; it's ethically bankrupt. Programmers in other languages don't get to forget about their errors, imperfections, and footguns; I'm not sure why Hask and Haskell should be let off the hook in our minds.
(Also, since somebody's gonna accuse me of not having read "Fast and Loose Reasoning", I absolutely have, and the biggest disappointment is failing to define useful equality on function values as if they were plain values. Might be impossible in Hask, but it's trivial in Pos, the category of posets; maybe Hask isn't a very good category!)
> Yeah, but have you ever thought, "Y'know, maybe the fact that we can't reason in Hask but instead have to work in franken-Hask where not everything works as intended," and then thought, "Maybe this is a problem?"
In some cases yes. Like I said in my original post, use Idris and then you don't have this particular instance of the problem.
In general though the possibility of failure seems unavoidable; even two runs of a byte-for-byte identical program might "produce different results" if someone dynamites the computer one of them is running on.
> Fast and loose reasoning is not morally correct; it's ethically bankrupt. Programmers in other languages don't get to forget about their errors, imperfections, and footguns; I'm not sure why Hask and Haskell should be let off the hook in our minds.
I don't think there's anything special about Haskell here. Programmers in plenty of languages reason as though exceptions/panics will never happen, and are sometimes surprised by their program's behaviour when they do.
Equivalence in Haskell is defined only up to ⊥; to work in Haskell we rely on the "Fast and Loose Reasoning is Morally Correct" result that if two expressions are equivalent-up-to-⊥. and both non-⊥ then they are equivalent.
(Or, y'know, work in Idris with --total and avoid this problem entirely).