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I used to be a Bitbucket customer but moved to repositoryhosting.com a few months ago. This is great news as I will likely return to Bitbucket. I stopped using the service this year because I needed many small repos (<15mb) and didn't want to pay upwards of $20-30 per month. Repositoryhosting.com offers unlimited repositories for $6 flat per month. If you require additional space you pay for that.

I really don't get the pricing plans for companies like Bitbucket and Github. $5-10 per month for personal projects is fine but up past that? Do these companies think for single user accounts all these repositories are active at once? How much more does it cost Github to store an additional repository for me (not to even mention gists which are stored as repos) because they are charging $1 per month to backup a few mbs. I would love to know the average repo size.

Look at it from a different angle - how many customers out there require code repositories? Now, let's say you want to have a 20-30 employee company, with a likely $3 million salary overhead and $10-15 Million dollar exit in 5-7 years.

How much do you have to charge per customer to hit that target? Remember, you have to cover Salary + Hosting/Hardware Overhead.

The most likely response would be "Why would someone expect to make that kind of money off of hosting repositories?"

My answer would be "Why would you expect a First Class Entrepreneur / Founding Team to commit their time to a endeavor that didn't have that class of pay out?"

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